Broadly speaking, I am interested in nonlinear wave phenomena and the mathematical models that describe them. The central theme in my research is the characterization of coherent structures, including dispersive shock waves, solitary waves, and their generalization. I use a combination of asymptotic analysis, numerical computation, and dynamical systems theory in my research. 

My PhD thesis was titled "Generalized Riemann problems in Dispersive Hydrodynamics." You can check it out here


For an up-to-date list of publications, please refer to my Google Scholar Page

Current projects 


Mark Hoefer (CU Boulder)

Michael Shearer (NC State)

Gennady El (Northumbria)

Tom Bridges (Surrey)

Ezio Iacocca  (CU Colorado Springs)

Boaz Ilan (UC Merced)

Adam Binswanger (currently PhD student at UC Merced)

Noel Smyth (A tribute paper in memeoriam of Noel can be found here)